April 2020
Dear Clients, Colleagues and Friends,
As we all navigate the uncharted waters of this time, I wanted to take a moment to share my thoughts with all of you.
First and foremost is gratitude. Gratitude for all the front-line personnel – doctors, nurses, EMT’s, hospital staff and all health care professionals who are working endless hours trying to care for those directly affected by this virus. The police, firefighters and postal workers, who continue to show up for work and risk possible exposure. The truck drivers who make sure supplies continue to be delivered. The grocers, chefs, restaurant owners, pharmacists and their support staff, who show up every day allowing us to care for our families with minimal impact.
Next, and very importantly, I’m grateful for the Rogers McCagg family. Without missing a beat, our staff began working at home, many with young children who they must home school at the same time. It is because of their dedication, and the unwavering support of our IT provider, that we have been able to continue to provide full service to our clients, without interruption. Included in the RMA family are the professionals we rely on – our accountant, our banker, our attorneys – all of whom are working tirelessly to keep us updated on the ever-changing landscape of this time, on a weekly, or often, daily basis.
And last but certainly not least, our clients who continue to put their trust in us. You have my word that we will continue to do our very best to meet, and hopefully exceed your expectations, even during these trying times.
There has been a lot of talk these days about finding meaning in this unprecedented time, which can be difficult as so many are experiencing loss and great uncertainty. What I have seen are extraordinary examples of teamwork – we are all in this together – that is a fact. As challenging as some days will be, I believe that together we will get through this with a silver lining – a renewed sense of gratitude for one another.
Be well and safe,
Chris McCagg, President
Rogers McCagg Architects, Planners, and Interior Designers