A major challenge for golf clubs in the North is keeping members engaged year-round. St. Andrew’s Golf Club (Westchester County, NY) joins a growing list of clubs creating winter practice facilities. A USGA founding club blessed with a historic clubhouse and golf course, it must cease most golf operations late October to Mid-April.
The newly opened 4,000 SF practice facility which was designed in the style of the clubhouse and is a component of their newly expanded driving range and new short game practice area, has already become a self-sufficient center for socializing and practice. Its three indoor hitting/teaching bays are openable to the driving range, and two covered stations permit practice on rainy days.
A lounge with fireplace, bar and locker rooms make this building a center of member activity and is sure to become home to functions the Club hasn’t offered members previously.
This facility is an exciting example of the continued efforts of clubs to offer new services to its members, keeping them more fully engaged in club life.